Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 10| Sharing His Taiwan Obsession with the World - Nick Kembel*熱愛分享台灣的 Nick Kembel 《Taiwan Obsessed》旅遊部落格

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Apr 29 2024 36 mins  

🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story
"After completing a BA in Cultural Anthropology and backpacking to over 50 countries, I came to Taiwan in 2008 as an English teacher. My plan was to stay for a year then move somewhere else. At the end of that year, I met my now wife on the Taipei MRT, and I just never left!" 
-Nick Kembel of Taiwan Obsessed 
If you haven't checked out Nick's website "Taiwan Obsessed", this is probably the best resource available about traveling in Taiwan and Taiwanese culture. Besides working on this travel blog, Nick also spends a lot of time answering questions in the Facebook group he created called "Taiwan Travel Planning Group". I highly recommend this FB group for anyone interested in visiting Taiwan as you will get some insider scoop on just about anything! It's also a great group if you would like to share your knowledge about Taiwan. 

Nick 年輕的時候喜歡到處去旅行;因緣際會之下來到了台灣。結果沒想到一住下來就住了10幾年。原先 Nick 的旅遊部落格是關於他到其他國家旅遊的經驗分享,結果不知不覺的 Nick 發覺其實他居住的地方其實就是最好寫作的部落格題材 - Taiwan Obessed! 
Nick 跟他一家人剛好在疫情爆發前剛回到了加拿大;但是 Nick 還是把工作重心放在他的 Taiwan Obsessed 部落格上。結果疫情把 Nick 腳步整個搗亂。兩年期間 Nick 從來沒有放棄過經營他的 Taiwan Obsessed 旅遊部落格以及他在臉書上所組織的群組(叫做 Taiwan Traveling Planning -是專門為了要來台灣旅遊的外國朋友們專門設立的群組,以便回答所有關於台灣旅遊的問題)。當疫情一結束後 Nick 之前所有的努力終於得到回報!一下子每天幾乎有進千人加入這個臉書群組 。雖然他人現在不在台灣,但是你可以感受到 Nick 的心是留在台灣的。

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英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil)
Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly
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