Ep. 59: Hong Kong Film History Pt. 6 w/ Po Fung (蒲鋒) 1/3 [Cantonese]

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May 19 2024 76 mins   2

「香港電影史導論 Podcast第六集」討論大網

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在這第六集的podcast, 我們一共分開三節,在第一節,我們討論了以下內容:

  1. 嘉禾成立的背景,主人的背景是什麼?話事鄒文懷從邵氏帶走了些什麼人?出走的原因又是什麼?
  2. 張徹本伴隨鄒氏出走,但最後為什麼沒有呢?
  3. 李小龍這一名巨星的出現,是如何拯救了嘉禾呢?
  4. 功夫片自李小龍出現後成賣座電影,跟從前的武俠電影有什麼分別呢?
  5. 何謂真正的功夫片?
  6. 嘉禾衛星公司是什麼?嘉禾是如何利用省減成本開支呢?


Outline of Introduction to Hong Kong Film Industry Podcast Part 6

About this series of podcasts, please check here.

Episode 6: “The Emergence of Golden Harvest and the Flourishing of the Film Industry in the 1970s Under Free Competition"

At the start of the 1970s, the Shaw Brothers Company, with its studios and cinema chains and a massive production volume, seemed like an invincible giant in the film industry.  However, it created its formidable competitor: Raymond Chow, a former Shaw Brothers executive.  Chow left the company due to disagreements with Mona Fong's management and founded Golden Harvest.  Golden Harvest discovered Bruce Lee, took over Cathay Organization's studios, and established its cinema chain.  The success of Michael Hui's comedies repeatedly broke box office records. Golden Harvest evolved from a financially struggling company into an internationally renowned giant capable of rivaling Shaw Brothers.  It became a pillar of Hong Kong cinema from the 1980s to the 1990s, embodying a legendary success story.

In addition to Golden Harvest, several independent film companies achieved significant box office success during the 1970s, bringing fresh ideas to the industry.  These included companies like Seasonal Film Corporation and Bo Ho Film Company, which thrived due to the free competition in Hong Kong's film industry.

In this sixth episode of the podcast, we divided our discussion into three segments. In the first segment, we covered the following topics:

  1. The background of Golden Harvest's establishment: What is the background of its founders? What personnel did Raymond Chow take with him from Shaw Brothers? What were the reasons for the departure?
  2. Chang Cheh initially planned to leave with Raymond Chow but ultimately did not—why was that?
  3. How did the emergence of the superstar Bruce Lee save Golden Harvest?
  4. How did kung fu films become box office hits after Bruce Lee's appearance, and how did they differ from the earlier wuxia films?
  5. What defines a true kung fu film?
  6. What was Golden Harvest's satellite company, and how did Golden Harvest utilize it to reduce costs?

Follow the hosts:

Kay Ho's Instagram: @kayho1430

Po Fung's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/flash1030/

This episode is part of the "Preserve Yesterday - Back to Lee Theatre VR" project, which was a collaboration with the Hong Kong XR Museum. For more info, visit here: https://www.hongkongxrmuseum.org/lee-theatre-ticket.


The Hong Kong On Screen Podcast is a podcast about Hong Kong Cinema. The HKOS Podcast is hosted by Hong Kongers. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also email us at [email protected].

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