The Second Confession of Xue Feng: Unveiling the Life and Beliefs of the Founder of Lifechanyuan

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Nov 01 2023 2 mins  

Welcome to a candid and revealing episode that takes you on a journey into the life, beliefs, and confessions of Xue Feng, the founder of Lifechanyuan. In this episode, we explore the Second Confession of Xue Feng, as he shares his story with unprecedented transparency.

Xue Feng, the visionary behind Lifechanyuan, dispels myths and misconceptions surrounding his identity. He emphasizes that he is neither a god, buddha, nor celestial being. He unequivocally states that he lacks any supernatural powers and doesn't have a mysterious past to conceal.

The podcast delves into Xue Feng's humble beginnings, born into a modest family near the Yellow River in Gansu province, China. He highlights his background and upbringing, leaving no room for enigmatic tales. 

One of the most significant aspects of this episode is Xue Feng's declaration that he has no master. He attributes his wisdom and teachings to life experiences and learning from the world around him. He unequivocally denies any political affiliations or support from organizations.

Xue Feng also addresses the misconceptions surrounding his role as the "Spokesman" or a "Savior" of the Greatest Creator. He clarifies that he has never made such claims and rejects these titles.

Furthermore, Xue Feng disavows being called a "Master" and prefers to be referred to as a "Tour Guide." He states that he doesn't possess the qualities associated with a traditional master.

The podcast also touches on Xue Feng's self-identification as the "Messenger of the Greatest Creator" and the "Embodiment" of spiritual figures like Jesus Christ, Buddha Sakyamuni, Lao Tzu, and the Prophet Mohammed. He attributes these titles to his comprehensive understanding of their teachings and a deep resonance with their thoughts and wills.

In an intriguing twist, Xue Feng mentions his origin from the heaven—the Ten-thousand-year world. While some may find this claim challenging to verify or understand, he leaves it to the listeners to form their own opinions.

Join us in this thought-provoking episode that unravels the life and beliefs of Xue Feng, the founder of Lifechanyuan. Experience a transparent and open discussion that explores the person behind the vision and teachings.

Tune in to gain insights into the authentic journey of a man dedicated to promoting harmony, love, and a deeper understanding of life.

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