When I Look Different: From Chile to Hong Kong, Conformity or Showcasing

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May 19 2024 20 mins  

This episode delves into the journey of individuals like Magdalena, who navigate the transition from their native culture to a new and diverse environment. It explores the tension between conforming to the societal norms of their adopted home in Hong Kong and showcasing their unique identity rooted in their Chilean heritage. 

Magdalena, hails from Chile and has been calling Hong Kong home for nearly five years.

With a business degree now in hand, Magdalena describes herself in three vivid words: curious, determined, and positive. Her insatiable curiosity leads her to museums, books, and new places, always eager to learn something new. Her determination drives her to pursue her goals relentlessly, while her positive outlook helps her find silver linings even in challenging times.

In Chile, making friends was a breeze—striking up a conversation while grocery shopping could quickly lead to an invitation for lunch. But in Hong Kong, friendships unfold more slowly, requiring patience and effort. The city’s competitive spirit, evident in both academic and professional realms, was a stark contrast to her more relaxed experience back home. Magdalena found herself swept up in this relentless drive for success, which, while initially overwhelming, eventually fueled her own ambitions.

Despite these differences, Magdalena finds ways to keep her Chilean traditions alive. She treasures the Chilean national holiday on September 18th, a day filled with traditional food, music, and dance. Moreover,Magdalena has found a unique way to bridge her two worlds through her Instagram account. As an aspiring content creator, she shares her life in Hong Kong and her travels with a diverse audience. By producing content mainly in English with Spanish subtitles, she connects with both local and international followers. Her posts offer a glimpse into her life as a Latina in Hong Kong and the rich culture of Chile, creating a cultural exchange that resonates with her audience.

Magdalena’s experience in Hong Kong has been a blend of challenges and opportunities. She leverages her unique background to secure scholarships and often finds herself as the first Chilean many locals meet. She sees this as a chance to make a positive impression and proudly share her culture.
Living abroad and putting herself out there on social media has taught Magdalena the power of vulnerability and confidence. Speaking to her camera in public, a once daunting task, has become second nature. She embraces her distinctive style, often wearing bold colors and prints that stand out in Hong Kong’s more muted fashion landscape. This flair for fashion reflects her vibrant personality and helps her make a memorable impression.

Maida’s instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/notxsofia?igsh=MXVycWo4MGxqZ25veA==

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