Mar 03 2024 136 mins 4
Next episode will feature a deep dive on "Better Off Dead" and conclude the Van Halen saga. But until then, please enjoy:
- A very well-rounded view of VH history by Eddie Van Halen in 1990
- Sammy Hagar's arguably sketchy claims about Van Halen's numbers before and after he joined
- Eddie producing and promoting a band called "Private Life" who obviously did not go on to amazing things (but hey, even if you or I never heard their songs, they still accomplished more than most of us, eh?)
- Eve Clarke interviewing me about my "Perfect 10" VH tunes of the David Lee Roth era
- Sammy's tale of meeting Eddie for the first time and joining Van Halen
- The final installments of my real-time (and space-time) reactions to the Art Linson/Cameron Crowe teen epic that had a lot going for it even if it didn't come out fully cooked - "The Wild Life," starring Nice Guy Eddie, Marty McFly's mom, Vincent Vega's heroin dealer, Clark Griswold's cousin Eddie, and the "Wanna take a bath?" gal from Pink Floyd's Wall film adaptation.
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