Jan 29 2021 1 mins 10
Hi! My name’s Scott Wilson. I’m a conductor and in the A Thousand Pictures podcast I’m going to share my passion for classical music with you.
Maybe you’ve heard some of the fantastic orchestral scores from films or video games and thought, I wonder what else is out there? Or perhaps you played an instrument at school and miss the music of your childhood? And I know there are music-lovers who’ve been waiting for a ‘way in’, but have never known where to start.
If you’re new to this music, I understand the journey you’re about to take. I was an Aussie kid who grew up playing sports every day and I never heard classical music. The very fact that I fell in love with it, means anyone can!
In the A Thousand Pictures Podcast we’ll listen to a new piece in each episode, I’ll share insights into the music, and over time, I’ll take you on a journey to discover classical music’s composers, musicians, and history. Everything’s discussed in an easily digestible way, and no prior knowledge is needed.
Classical music is centuries in the making, and it’s all for you: for the audience.
Welcome to the A Thousand Pictures podcast!
Further information: www.athousandpictures.com
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Feel free to contact Scott Wilson via:
EMAIL: [email protected]
INSTAGRAM: @1000picturespod
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WEBSITE: www.athousandpictures.com