Beyond Gender Into God's Agenda with Pastor Dupe Adefala

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Aug 07 2022 19 mins   1

I sat down with Mima aka Pastor Dupe Adefala to discuss the challenge she faced as a woman being the lead pastor of a church.  This weekend I shared a memory from my teenage years with Mima as we got ready to celebrate the 20 year anniversary of Word Fountain Christian Ministries.

A prominent man of God refused to be a covering for her and the team when they were going to start the church. He said it was because she was a woman. My mum returned to the car with tears in her eyes. That day is etched in my memory. As I shared, Mima said she hadn't realised I was in the car. She was surprised I remembered. What my mum did with that rejection has more impact than the actual rejection. Assured what she was doing was the will of God, she went on to obey the Lord and not think the rejection of a man she respected was the same as the rejection of God. Her and the team went on, not to prove anything to the man but in obedience to God. The journey hasn’t been without its challenges. It hasn’t been perfect but it has been fruitful to the glory of God. Many have been reconciled back to the Father. Many lives impacted and people have been raised and are being raised.

What is it people have told you not to do, said you can't or your shouldn't but you know it's God. God's endorsement is all you need. When Jesus says yes, you better not let man's no stop you.

Be encouraged.