Jan 27 2025 92 mins 21
Our sponsor today is BETTER HELP. Betterhelp.com/aitapod
Happy mon mon hun huns. Hope you enjoy my wonderful guests! Give them a follow!!
Karla - https://www.instagram.com/fun_kee/
Radu Bondar - https://www.instagram.com/radubondar/
(0:00) - Banter
(36:50) - r-traumatizeThemBack - Oh you're a twin, huh?
(43:28) - AITA for cancelling my wedding after he killed my plants?
(57:40) - WIBTA if I asked my sister to change her hair color for my wedding?
BEST way to Submit a sitch or comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITApod/
Email - [email protected]
Join Patreon! https://patreon.com/aitapod
What's on Patreon?
- 200+ Bonus eps
- NO ADS and accurate timestamps
- Discord with awesome community
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@aitapod
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/aita_pod/
Happy mon mon hun huns. Hope you enjoy my wonderful guests! Give them a follow!!
Karla - https://www.instagram.com/fun_kee/
Radu Bondar - https://www.instagram.com/radubondar/
(0:00) - Banter
(36:50) - r-traumatizeThemBack - Oh you're a twin, huh?
(43:28) - AITA for cancelling my wedding after he killed my plants?
(57:40) - WIBTA if I asked my sister to change her hair color for my wedding?
BEST way to Submit a sitch or comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITApod/
Email - [email protected]
Join Patreon! https://patreon.com/aitapod
What's on Patreon?
- 200+ Bonus eps
- NO ADS and accurate timestamps
- Discord with awesome community
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@aitapod
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/aita_pod/