After months of corresponding with Cody and Cassy Coots, Abe decides to make a studio album for them. It's to feature serpent-handling songs that have been sung in Cody's church for generations.
Abe enlists the help of host Ferrill Gibbs to record it, who travels from Houston to meet up with Abe in Birmingham, Alabama. Together, they make a beeline for Middlesboro, Kentucky, in Abe's white touring van.
Once in Middlesboro, the two convert Cody’s great-grandfather’s church – Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name – into a recording studio. With a six-foot rattlesnake lounging nearby (named "Ol' Lemonhead"), Abe, Ferrill and the Coots make a fully-produced, multi-track, multi-instrumental studio album called "The Coots Duo." The rough tracks being a post-production process in Nashville, Tennessee.
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Special thanks this episode!
Cody and Cassy Coots
Jay Smack
Brent Busby
Andrew Hamblin and the Free Pentecostal House of Prayer
Greg Coots and the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name