The Vastly Overlooked Sidon Prophecy-Ezekiel 28 Unfolding in Lebanon?

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Sep 26 2024 54 mins   1

We'll unravel the potential fulfillment of the Psalm 83 war, the judgment of Elam, and examine Iran's critical role in this volatile landscape. Gain unique insights into how these unfolding events align with ancient prophecies and what they might imply for Israel and the Middle East.

Today, we look at "The Vastly Overlooked Sidon Prophecy" with Bill Salus & Pastor Tom Hughes: Interview with Dr. Bill Salus about the vastly overlooked but presently pertinent Sidon prophecy in Ezekiel 28:20-26. The Hezbollah War Prophecies - (New Prophetic Revelations)

In the last days, mankind will dwell in a war-torn world! Conventional battles, nuclear exchanges, and supernatural demonic invasions are coming.

There is good news! God loves the people who surround Israel and Jerusalem. He will save a remnant from Iran (Persian and Elam), Egypt, and many other Middle Eastern nations!

How can I be Saved & What is the Gospel?

The FUTURE WAR Prophecies book and DVD locates the battlefields, identifies the participants, explains the motives, provides the details, and explores the outcomes of these coming world-changing conflicts which include:
• Israel vs. Iran and its proxies,
• The destruction of Damascus in Isaiah 17,
• The final Arab-Israeli war of Psalm 83,
• The Russian coalition’s invasion of Israel in Ezekiel 38,
• The two Christian-killing crusades of the Tribulation Period,
• The demonic invasion that torments unsaved people for 5 months,
• The 200-million demonic army that kills one-third of humankind,
• The war in heaven between Michael the archangel vs. Satan,
• The battle of Armageddon between Jesus Christ vs. Antichrist,
• The final Gog of Magog War at the end of the Millennium.

Bill Salus Website & Resources:

Video Credit: @ Hope for our Times

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