S1 EP06 | Hello Trainers, and welcome to the wonderful world of Another Pokémon Podcast! In this episode, Becs and Galutrad jam out to every theme song from the Pokémon Anime!
This episode features music by Duzzled & GameChops, titled "Red & Blue" from the album Dynamaxed, available on Apple Music and YouTube.
This episode also features music from the Pokémon anime and copyright belongs to each theme's rightful owners.
Creators & Guests
- David Geisler - Producer
- Jacob "Galutrad" Taylor - Host
- Becca "Becs" Jewell - Host
This episode features music by Duzzled & GameChops, titled "Red & Blue" from the album Dynamaxed, available on Apple Music and YouTube.
This episode also features music from the Pokémon anime and copyright belongs to each theme's rightful owners.
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This has been a production of Sixfive Media.