Episode 0 - Why Am I Doing This? (Part 1)

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Oct 20 2023 22 mins   1

Welcome to ARGH! Not Another Podcast About Book Publishing, hosted by William May, a passionate book enthusiast with a knack for storytelling and a touch of sarcasm. We present to you Episode 0 - Why Am I Doing This? (Part 1).

In this episode, William dives with his team, Denise Marsa, and Meggie Dimitrova, into the world of book publishing and embarks on a journey to discover the motivation behind starting yet another podcast in this crowded space.

Part of William's goal in creating this podcast is to do something different, something in line with my writing which can incorporate narrative elements, flights into fantasy or other fiction, etc. Of course, the interactions with guests, interviews and such would be conducted in a serious manner and not treated as elements for this.

In doing this, William thinks one concept that feels central to him is deconstructing the podcast as it is being made. We would be adding a meta-frame within the work that references the construction and the process of creating the piece itself. This is very much in line with William May's writing, especially his first novel, but can be done in a way that is distinct from that work while offering a connection to the themes and ideas of that work.

This episode is produced by Denise Marsa & Meggie Dimitrova (KeyMedia Public Relations). If you want to learn more about William, please visit his website www.williammaywrites.com, and follow him on social media:

(C) 2023 William May, All rights Reserved