Feb 23 2025 27 mins 7
Mercury (Storyteller) conjoins Saturn (Responsible One) in Pisces supporting you to ground your intuitive wisdom in practical ways. The New Moon in Pisces invites you to seed new ways to honor your dreams and aspirations for greater possibilities. Venus (Relational One) goes retrograde in Aries and Pisces for seven weeks of deep initiatory change with relationships, resources and values. During this time, Chani Nicholas says "Your heart is due for a tune-up...On the other side of the journey? The rediscovery of a precious, long-lost part of you.” Mercury conjoins Neptune (Visionary) in Pisces to immerse in your creativity and spiritual insights but beware of escapism and lack of emotional boundaries. The Sun (Conscious Self) in Pisces squares Jupiter (Wise One) in Gemini challenging you to steward unhealthy excessive emotional and psychic rabbit holes you're following.
Podcast poem: "Cornwall Swamp" by Julia Cadwallader Staub
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