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Nov 25 2022 70 mins   15

Hello Listeners, this episode of Audible Autism will involve a discussion on a more serious topic than previous episodes and that issue being how to deal with or interact with the Police

This episode guest Chris Hilliard discusses the lack of training the police tend to have, some of the ways in which they judge who they might suspect on being offenders using systems that the general public might not be aware of but also Chris also goes into detail with his own incident with the police during the 2010 Student protests which had to be taken to trial.

This episode was one of a few that was meant to come out last season before that was abruptly ended but considering the current conversation regarding policing and the role of Police which as a Podcast based in the UK also involves the death of Chris Kaba we feel that the things discussed within this episode are still relevant and ontop of that will be addressing the issue from a British perspective.

We hope all of you who tune in find this episode informative, thank you