Jan 08 2025 59 mins 5
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This week, while the Audiophiliac (Steve Guttenberg) questions whether we can trust audio reviewers, Dennis and Brent decide whether we can trust Steve Guttenberg. Then they make the mistake of watching one the audio world’s cringiest videos, in which audio icon Mark Levinson tries to explain how PCM audio is stressing everyone out, or not stressing everyone out, or something. Or nothing. Or whatever the lawyers let him say. Last, Dennis and Brent check out a Stereophile column by John Atkinson that definitely is not stressing anyone out—except perhaps makers of gratuitously expensive audio gear.
Buy-now links for products mentioned herein (As Amazon Associates, we may earn a small cut from qualifying purchases):
💿 Plaid Pants, Brent’s new album! CD normally costs $13 ($10 + $3 for shipping); use code audiounleashedepi42 for 40% off the CD. (Offer extended! Now expires 2/1/25.) https://cygerbutterworth.bandcamp.com/album/plaid-pants
📚 Budget Travel For Dummies by Geoffrey Morrison: https://amzn.to/3uiIPlp
📚Sound Reproduction: The Acoustics and Psychoacoustics of Loudspeakers and Rooms by Floyd Toole: https://amzn.to/3ZlTLtE
📚Loudspeaker Design Cookbook 8th Edition: Volume 1 by Vance Dickason: https://amzn.to/42pdwk0
📚 The Loop: How Technology Is Creating a World Without Choices and How to Fight Back by Jacob Ward: https://amzn.to/4cyzSET
Further Reading:
- “POLL: Are AUDIOPHILE Reviews BS?” by Steve Guttenberg Audiophiliac: https://youtu.be/as2IUMhxmJ0?si=kDLQIL7JUZdiAaj9
- “How Do You Know Whether You Can Trust a Review?” by Dennis Burger: https://soundstageaccess.com/index.php/feature-articles/1309-how-do-you-know-whether-you-can-trust-a-review
- “Can Daniel Hertz C-Wave ‘Fix’ PCM and Even Improve Your Health?” by Audiophile Junkie: https://youtu.be/kp2MmIqVjTA?si=p5AZvkScalmuEmNY
- “Taking Care of Business” by John Atkinson: https://www.stereophile.com/content/taking-care-business