Jan 25 2023 46 mins 3
The three morons are back, and never before has there been a prouder display of such worldy erudition! At least not since that time you dry-humped a cabbage to the Canadian national anthem while covered in chocolate syrup spelling racial slurs across your nude bottom during your family vacation to Switzerland last year! By the way, we know who you are. Does that bother you?
To get in tune with the season of giving, this episode exhibits a quasi-failed holiday theme, complete with festive music, several hos, and a few ads for some charitable organizations close to the doctors’ hearts. But mostly it’s just used as a thinly-veiled excuse for Dr. Josh to repeatedly accuse Dr. Chris of having inappropriate, spontaneous physical contact with Santa Claus. Dr Chris has his patience endlessly tested by two drunken idiots who can even agree on the best bloodborne pathogen, but… the show must go on.
If it’s not that one topic we’re constantly penetrating down to bedrock, it’s always some other stiff joke that goes flaccid and collapses over time, and we always piss away better opportunities for stimulating, turgid conversation in light of the same old wrinkled bag of limp jokes. So Dr. Josh helps us find a way out of our rut, and he certainly got our minds erect and standing at attention. Message received, Dr Josh! It’s time to move on to other topics of discussion!
Despite being the absolute worst show ever made, the Holiday season tapped the doctors’ more charitable sides, including some extra listener questions for your personal well-being, then quickly regret it. Even so, I don’t think anyone is any closer to knowing what quinoa is.
Which is Worse is brought up in the midst of the tangents of other tangents, and we’re back to a crowded elevator where an evil witch curses your farts, and potentially violates the integrity of your foops.
Note: Despite our constant arguing, nitpicking, and escalating of biological warfare, we have come to a rare consensus. This is absolutely, hands-down, the worst episode we have ever made. It’s the most chaotic, nonsensical, disgusting thing we’ve ever made. And as way of apology… to ourselves, not our listeners… we have released it for your listening pleasure. Also. Fuck you. Stop sending in questions about chickens. We apologize to Santa Claus if Dr. Chris didn’t already murder him.
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