Nov 24 2024 25 mins 1
If the thought about taking care of yourself first doesn’t feel right, listen in on this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast, as host Elizabeth Cush shares how she learned to live an aligned life that prioritizes her highly sensitive needs without feeling selfish.
“I needed a path to go from here to the rest of my life.” — Biz Cush
Are you living a life that meets your needs? Or are you consumed with meeting everyone else’s? Who—or what—are you living for? And why? Does it serve you? Or is it a way of hiding from something? For highly sensitive women, these questions matter, but it may take us half a lifetime to realize we need to ask them. Then what does it take to find the answers, and what should we do with the information? In this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast, host Biz Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., and a life coach for highly sensitive women, shares her own journey of self-discovery. She talks about prioritizing other people and things over her own needs and the impact it had on her health. Finally, she offers insights that she gained and how she was able to shift her priorities to honor her sensitivity, love who she is, and take care of herself while enjoying those around her.
You can find this and every episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast here.