Mar 31 2024 50 mins 5
Lori shares openly about her experiences both before and mostly after Ayahuasca. She talks about her own suicidal thoughts as a result of the challenging situations that she was dealing with post-pandemic and how this led her to the medicine. We discuss the themes/issues that came up during and after her ceremony and how she addressed them. Discussion topics involve harmful thought patterns about self & others, and how this can be addressed through self discovery, self care and self love. Lori discusses her relationship with trees and how trees are great healers and teachers. Lori had trees show up in both her Aya experience as well as her hypnotic journeys. She recalls her childhood experiences with trees, her reconnection with them and how they now play a role in her own practice helping others. We also talk about the growing popularity of psychedelics, how the business sector responded and how we might respectfully consult/include indigenous elders in this new and growing field moving forward to benefit all.