On November 29, 1947, the General Assembly voted in favor of the Partition Plan over British Palestine, also known as UN Resolution 181.
The plan to divide the land between Israelis and Arabs was accepted by Zionist leaders and was turned down by the Arab Nations.
Today it seems that more than ever, we should discuss the two-state solution, as from both ends of the Radical Left and the BDS supporters to the Israeli Messianic Right Wing, there is strong support for "From the River to the Sea - One State will be Free".
To discuss Israel's situation, The Partition Plan, and more related subjects, I was glad to host my friend Ido Dembin, Executive Director of Molad - The Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy, once again.
To read more about UN Resolution 181 - https://www.un.org/unispal/data-collection/general-assembly/
Tor read more about Molad - http://www.molad.org/en/