Ep 38 Marx Madness Cross Upload: Reading the Red Deal p8

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0% played 00:00 00:00
Apr 17 2023 79 mins   14 1 0

This is an abridged audio book of the Red Deal by The Red Nation, read by Sungmanitu and the Marx Madness boys for education @marxmadnesspod this episode originally aired October 5, 2022 as Episode 10 on the Marx Madness Feed. currently we are uploading all delayed content and collaborations, and will be switching to a new RSS feed and rebranding/relaunching the project that will have a follow up with this conversation. If you would like to help this project's future endeavors please donate to $ZitkatosTinCan, @zitkato or https://www.patreon.com/ZitkatoTincan