Episode 619: Basilica Parishioner Aimee Redmann Shares about Her Devotion to Saint Joseph and the History of the Saint Joseph Altar

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Mar 14 2025 14 mins   1

Aimee Redmann is a Basilica parishioner who is from Louisiana, where the Saint Joseph Altar is part of the Catholic culture there, especially in the New Orleans area. She shares about her devotion to Saint Joseph and talks about the history of the altar, which will be on display on Wednesday evening, March 19, in our Lyceum Auditorium.

As part of the Feast of Saint Joseph, Father James Searby, a parochial vicar, will offer a reflection on Saint Joseph at 7 p.m. on March 19 in the church. Afterward, at 7:30 p.m., all are invited to our auditorium, where the Saint Joseph Altar will be set up. There will be a blessing and then a social, as food and drinks will be served.

To learn more, click here: https://stmaryoldtown.org/josephaltar2025

To sign up to bring food donations, go here: https://bit.ly/3WVtRwH

To volunteer to help. go here: https://bit.ly/3Qh4u4K