Nov 04 2024 36 mins 13
Bertranna’s autism makes her obsessed with finding the Truth about neurodiversity. With Ayesha Khan, PhD and The People’s Oracle.
Unmasking Autism by Devon Price
African-Americans With Autism Face Additional Challenges - NPR
The Persistent Invisibility of Black Autism -
The Biology Behind Autism Spectrum Disorder - Yale Medicine
Data and Statistics on Autism Spectrum Disorder - CDC
The mother of neurodiversity: how Judy Singer changed the world | Autism | The Guardian
Singer’s thesis was included in a British Open University anthology titled Disability Discourse, and is now available in an ebook called Neurodiversity: The Birth of an Idea
Who coined the term ‘neurodiversity?’ It wasn’t Judy Singer, some autistic academics say
On the neurological underpinnings of geekdom - The Atlantic
Politicizing Neurodiversity - by P.E. Moskowitz:
Empire of Normality by Robert Chapman
Neurodiversity and the Pathology Paradigm | Psychology Today
Negotiating the Neurodiversity Concept | Psychology Today
NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity by Steve Silber
Neurodiversity Rewires Conventional Thinking About Brains | WIRED
Neurodiversity in the Classroom by Thomas Armstrong
“The 8 Million Species We Don’t Know” - New York Times Sunday Review
Common Biologically Essentialist Language | by Cat Harsis | Medium
What If Gay-Rights Advocates’ ‘Born This Way’ Argument Is Wrong?
It's time to rethink “born this way,” a phrase that's been key to LGBTQ acceptance |
Decolonizing= abolishing bioessentialism & the neurodivergent/ neurotypical binary - Ayesha Khan, Ph.D.
Psychiatric diagnoses & bioessentialism will not liberate us - Ayesha Khan, Ph.D.
What Is a Collectivist Culture? Individualism vs. Collectivism
Collective Culture & Mental Wellbeing: What Tanzania Can Teach Us About Mental Health
Science is not objective or apolitical - by Ayesha Khan, Ph.D.
A Guide to the James Webb Telescope's View of the Universe - New York Times
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