Mar 02 2025 65 mins 1
#35 – David Elentuhk: Not An EIT, A DIT – Doctor in Training
- Drinking kombucha but is a sour beer fan.
- 12 cylinder rotary engines?
- Why do we make the decisions we do?
- “Paycheck” with Ben Affleck and other movies inspired him to engineering. (but not “Falling Down”)
- Isaac Asimov did not believe in character development, especially in the “Foundation” series.
- Knows why he loves engineering, but less why he became one.
- Every day is a new challenge.
- Really good designs are often not wildly creative but well implemented.
- Challenging the idea of a biomedical engineering degree.
- Which is better for college, quarters or semesters?
- Shark Ninja really cares about customer feedback.
- Intentionally making mistakes so the customer is happy when you fix it.
- Make sure you enjoy the process.
- EMT is the least stressful job he has ever had.
- Perfect quality work is exceeding what people think is possible.
- Prototyping multiple options sometimes just confirms your original decision and demonstrates why it is better.
- Checklist are great thing. Another plug for “Checklist Manifesto” by Atul Gawande.
- Just writing something is important.
- Has done a bit of smithing.
- Ira Glass paraphrase: It takes a lot of work to make your skills catch up to your tastes.
- The full quote
Bert’s Company –