Sep 23 2023 55 mins 8
In this episode of berrygrounds, we debut a short documentary from journalist Monica Kidd, who visited Channel-Port aux Basques on the eve of the one-year anniversary of post-tropical storm Fiona. In "Swept by the Sea," Monica speaks with residents and leaders from the community, as well as NTV Chief Meteorologist Eddie Sheerr, who made a phone call the night before Fiona hit that saved people's lives.
In the second half, host Justin Brake speaks with Canadian Hurricane Centre Warning Preparedness Meteorologist Bob Robichaud, who explains what storm surge is and tells berrygrounds that the federal government is developing a new program to better predict the impacts of extreme weather events.
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Music from "Swept by the Sea" is from the Creative Commons: Residuum by Silver Maple, Who’s there by Peter Sandberg, Twire by Christophe Gorman, and Sentient by Gavin Luke. And for berrygrounds, The Wonders of Science is courtesy Shane Ivers of Silverman Sound Studios.