Dec 22 2024 175 mins 1
We are well into the holiday season and the Big Scary Show (g)hosts are getting ready
by decorating, stringing up lights, and visiting haunted houses that are putting on
holiday events. Hopefully you’re enjoying all the magic and spookiness that the season
has to offer. Let the Big Scary Show episode 330 keep you company as you trim your
black trees, bake ginger-dead cookies, and take the severed feet out of your stockings
to hang by that raging fire. (Do you smell burning flesh?)
Storm is ranting about gingerbread haunted houses in a Haunt Minute. Meathook Jim
interviews a very special guest on Between the Corpses. Badger brings you the latest in
Deadline news. The Old Crone is interviewing Brian Wilkins of Haunted Entertainment
Training. We might have a winner of the December Gruesome Giveaway, and finally,
we’re spinning some spooky holiday tunes courtesy of Midnight Syndicate to get you in
the holiday ‘spirit’.
The Roundtable of Terror invites none other than Ben Armstrong from the legendary
Netherworld Haunted House to have a seat and talk about his long and storied career.
We discuss his early days, (did you know he used to be a late-night horror host?) how
he manages to put on such an amazing haunt year after year, and his thoughts on the
industry. There are some amazing stories and fascinating conversations that you simply
don’t want to miss. All this, and so much more.
We hid the body, but you’ll become an accomplice just by listening to……..the BIG
SCARY SHOW Episode 330. (And please support your local holiday haunted houses
this month)
Featured music: (Midnight Syndicate)
Up on the Housetop
Night of the Krampus
The Parade of the Tin Soldiers
Christmas at Midnight
#bigscaryshow #roundtableofterror