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Named the world's best bisexual podcast after research by Feedspot put Bisexual Brunch 6th in the globe's top 100 LGBT podcasts. A few days later the show was named number One LGBT podcast in the UK. The research criteria is based on relevance, authority, social media followers & freshness.
This is the UK's first regular mainstream show for bisexuals. Hosted by bi activist and writer Lewis Oakley and bisexual journalist Ashley Byrne with comedian and actor Samantha Baines, Bisexual Brunch is a unique podcast for people from all over the world who identify as bi to come together and celebrate their sexuality. Bisexual Brunch along with former host Nichi Hodgson, Ashley and Lewis were included in the UK Pride Power List 2021. Lewis managed to stay in the list in 2022 and soared to No 79 while MIM, the production company behind Bisexual Brunch was also named UK Production Company of the Year 2021 (Silver winner). Most recently it was revealed Bisexual Brunch's listening figures are in the top 3% of podcasts worldwide - and the show reaches 125 countries, more than half the world! Number One in Kenya.
In this bumper episode there's 4 hours of bi content for you to binge on including 3 bisexual journey stories from Scotland, Ireland and Doncaster in England. We hear about the men trying to maintain their straight identities despite bi tendencies, how do you keep your bi side alive as a woman in a straight facing relationship? Lewis, Ashley and Samantha reveal their experiences of serious biphobia. Has someone's 'coming out' ever come as a complete shock to you? And our Ask a Bisexual question comes from a gay men worried his boyfriend is going to cheat on him with a woman. There's something for everyone in the edition of Bisexual Brunch including our growing band of pansexual listeners.