OnlyFans and Instagram model, Courtney Tailor, is rich and famous. She is living in a luxury high-rise in Edgewater, Miami, Florida and has banked over $3 Million dollars in the two years leading up to the death of her boyfriend, Christian Obumseli.
Her real name is Courtney Clenney and she is charged with second-degree murder with a deadly weapon in the death of Christian Obumseli, 27, in her high-rise Miami-area apartment on April 3, 2022. Clenney claims she killed Obumseli in self-defense.
Joseph Scott Morgan takes an up-close look at recently released information about what happened that fateful night and provides new insight into the death of Christian Obumseli. Was it self-defense or murder?
Transcript Highlights
00:00:00 Introduction of case - why would you throw your only weapon?
00:02:00 A single stab wound by a thrown knife
00:06:37 Courtney Clenney and boyfriend fought
00:10:56 Funny stuff about throwing knives
00:15:26 911 call, victim says "I'm going to die"
00:19:43 Clenney claims she through kitchen knife from 10 feet away
00:24:16 Discussion of laptop, text messages, email
00:28:26 The Love of Money
00:30:55 Courtney Clenney, drunk, approaches teen in parents neighborhood
00:33:23 Conclusion – portent of things to come
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