What is suchness?

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Jul 19 2024 24 mins   1

Bright on Buddhism - Episode 92 - What is suchness? How ought we understand it? How have understandings of it changed over time?

Resources: Buswell; Lopez (2014), The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism; Robinson, Richard H. (1957). "Some Logical Aspects of Nagarjuna's System". Philosophy East & West. 6 (4): 306. doi:10.2307/1397476. JSTOR 1397476.; Endō, Asai (2014). "The Lotus Sutra as the Core of Japanese Buddhism: Shifts in Representations of its Fundamental Principle". Japanese Journal of Religious Studies. 41 (1): 45–64.; Gregory, Peter N. (2002) [1991]. Tsung-mi and the Sinification of Buddhism. University of Hawai’i Press, Kuroda Institute. ISBN 0-8248-2623-X.; Robert, Jean-Noel (2011). "On a Possible Origin of the " Ten Suchnesses " List in Kumārajīva's Translation of the Lotus Sutra". Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies. 15: 54–72.

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Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host

Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host