Episode 245 - The High King - Wool & Woad

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Apr 11 2024 18 mins   38
Welcome back to the Candlelit Tales podcast. This episode continues our new series on the greatest High King in mythological, pseudo-historical memory: Cormac Mac Airt. In this episode, young Cormac begins to come into his power at Tara, using his greatest kingly gift of judgement to prove his worth. Please note the content of these stories may be triggering for some listeners, please take care of yourself as you listen. This story includes mentions of poverty, injustice, and destitution. This podcast is proudly sponsored by the people who donate to us each month via https://www.patreon.com/candlelittales and anyone who sends us a once-off donation through the Paypal button on our website http://candlelittales.ie/ Find details of our upcoming shows here: https://candlelittales.ie/performances/ https://www.youtube.com/c/CandlelitTales https://open.spotify.com/show/2102WuUUe9Jl6cGXNwQEKf https://soundcloud.com/candlelittales https://twitter.com/candlelit_tales?lang=en https://www.facebook.com/candlelittales https://www.instagram.com/candlelittales https://vimeo.com/user52850249 https://music.amazon.co.uk/podcasts/00d5c29b-ee1a-4078-aacf-62e1a94522dc/candlelit-tales-irish-mythology-podcast