Mar 27 2023 106 mins 1
It's 1969. Accomplished Belgian classical/ jazz/ R&B pianist Joel Vandroogenbroeck and English rock guitarist Ron Bryer have ditched their Basel-based blue-eyed soul band and will shortly link up with lysergic femme fatale Dawn Muir.
The result? A square of light, a circle of thought, a triangle of NOTHING. It's BRAINTICKET!
Join us as we talk about Brainticket's wild and wooly debut record, Cottonwoodhill. The band brings the organ crushes, guitar chucking, jackhammers, rapturous spoken-word poetry, and some freaking sweet flutework. We meet them in the middle with Gil Scott-Heron, ChatGPT, and High Fidelity.
STAY! GO! Actually, stay. This one's pretty fun.