Episode Artwork
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Mar 26 2023 20 mins   4

You are lost in a storm, looking for shelter. You find a castle and knock on the door...

About today's storyteller:
Ginette Mohr is a writer, performer, and producer of Catch Me in the Kitchen Audio Adventures and Audio Snacks. She works to motivate a more conscious and compassionate community through the creation of imaginative, participatory experiences. Her theatre credits include The Stratford Shakespeare Festival, Neptune Theatre, Young People’s Theatre, Theatre New Brunswick, Drayton Entertainment, Theatre Direct, Theatre Aquarius, The Quickening Theatre, SNAFU Dance Theatre, Keystone Theatre, Canvas Sky Theatre, and The Second City. You can catch her in the kitchen drawing with her kids.

Draw and share...
What do you imagine the characters look like? What was your favourite moment in the story? If you’d like to share a drawing you've made inspired by 'The Princess and the Pea', you can do that at catchmeinthekitchen.com/fan-art and we will post it on our story fridge!

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Subscribe to our newsletter at catchmeinthekitchen.com to get the latest stories, songs, and activities. If you have a minute, drop us a note - we would love to hear from you!

Our first audiobook, ‘Pigs, Princesses, and One Tough Turtle’, along with a paperback copy, is available through our website.

Les mots sont délicieux! Words are delicious.
French/English from today's snack:

  • la reine: the queen

  • un oiseau: a bird

  • un poème: a poem

  • une princesse: a princess

  • maman: mom

  • les calèches royales: the royal carriages

  • le château: the castle

  • une vraie princesse: a real princess

  • un cheval: a horse

  • la nuit: the night

  • les pantalons: pants

  • une nuit: one night

  • la porte: the door

  • un pois: a pea

  • la pluie: the rain

  • une cuillère: a spoon

  • le monde: the world

  • moi aussi: me too

  • demain: tomorrow

  • bonne nuit: good night

  • le matelas: the mattress

  • attendez: wait

  • merci: thank you

  • la fin: the end

Merci beaucoup!
Merci à Ginette Mohr for ‘The Princess and the Pea.’ This story was directed by Liz Pounsett and performed by Ginette Mohr and Stephen LaFrenie. Audio snack episode narration by Professor Pineapple, Ginette Mohr, and Bearkin. Episode music composed and performed by Tim Freeman, The Pickle Peppers, and Red Velvet Revolution. 'Fun Times Ahead' performed by Dream-Protocol.

See you soon! A bientôt!

Support Catch Me in the Kitchen Audio Snacks: an English-French stories podcast for kids by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/catch-me-in-the-kitchen-audio-