Jul 14 2023 119 mins 1
This podcast we get to chat with our old friend Pharmex aka Eric. Extractor, grower, farmer, breeder, cool guy, Pharmex is about as chill as they come while always bringing solid info and experience from deep in the trenches of the cannabis industry.
I got to attend Pharmex's extraction class this past weekend where I learned just how much I didn't know I didn't know about solvent extraction. It was awesome to get the real intelligence on such an important segment of the growing cannabis industry. I highly recommend Pharmex's course and knowing him and how hard he works the course is coming to a place near you soon. Betcha.
Scoop some new threads at the new merch store at Fumidoro.com folks and please select merch shipping when doing so.
As always for all your fine genetics needs peep the newest lines at www.fumidoro.com. Currently there's a "711" discount for 25% off don't snooze on this one folks only available for the next few days on fumidoro genetics only
Puff something wonderful folks and cheers!