The Coaching Conundrum Enhanced by AI Innovation

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Apr 20 2024 4 mins   1

Could the rise of artificial intelligence be the best thing to happen to coaching professionals? This episode takes you through our groundbreaking collaboration with Interflexion, revealing how we're shaping the future with AI tools that are transforming coaching automation. We explore how these advancements are increasing the demand for leaders to enhance their coaching skills, as the human touch becomes essential in a world brimming with uncertainty and change. Uncover the paradox of AI in the workplace and the undeniable need for authentic human connection, especially when navigating sensitive situations like performance reviews and personal growth discussions.

Join us in a captivating discussion that transcends the boundaries of technology and leadership. We delve into insights from Tasha Yerrick's bestselling book, "Insight," examining the critical importance of self-awareness and the limitations of AI in cultivating this trait. Discover why, in an age where up to half of the workforce is seeking new opportunities due to inadequate career development, AI can support but never replace the nuanced and empathetic conversations that define effective leadership. This episode promises an enlightening blend of tech innovation and the irreplaceable value of human connection in the evolving landscape of professional coaching.

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We have created a NEW service called Coach 2 YOU where leaders can assist short targeted 7 to 21 day programs to coach their employees without ANY of their own time to truly partner and assist in the coaching process. Get more info here:

Checkout our Approachability & Coachability series where we use a webinar-based coahcing apporoach to develop all employees to become approachable and coahcble. This leads to better teamwork for leadership and organizational culture improvement

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