Pour cette session de Coinxomatik le label Molekül sera le fil rouge du mix.
Playlist :
Serum > Jacidorex /
Breaking Bones > Thomas P Heckmann /
Acid Flashback > Jacidorex /
Rendlesham Incident > Mayeul & JKS /
Rite of Passage > Benza /
The Cult > JKS /
Wild Nights > JKS /
Sutton Hoo Artefacts > Mayeul & JKS /
Jungle Curse > JKS /
Express Yourself > JKS /
Extinctor > Jacidorex /
Charm > JKS /
Attitude of Mind > Lucass P /
Mind Mechanik > Subway Shamans /
The post
#154 Spécial Molekül (Jacidorex, JKS,…) first appeared on
Radio Campus Angers.