Oct 29 2024 24 mins 20
📺 Parasomnia. Read the full story at https://www.coldopenstories.com/parasomnia/
Presented by Cold Open Stories - www.coldopenstories.com
Written by E. Nicole Gary - https://x.com/nickyinbrooklyn
Performed by Lindsay Zana - https://x.com/lindsayzana, Steven Zivic - https://x.com/StevenZivic, and Valentin Angel Fernandez https://x.com/voiceofvaf
Join our writing community on Discord! - https://discord.com/invite/TCngW3w
This story was first published as part of our Original Worlds call for submissions. If you enjoy reading or listening to tales like these, you can always find more over at ColdOpenStories.com. While you’re there, you can also submit your own manuscripts, audition for voice work, and join the free Discord. This month, we wanted to do something special by bringing to life some of our spooky, weird, and gripping tales, so be sure to subscribe, hint hint, for those very special episode drops. Leave a like on them, and this video, too. It tells us that you want even more episodes every week. As we celebrate 5 years of programming, we just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for listening, and for sharing this channel within your network. It all helps spread the word.