Feb 29 2024 63 mins 17
In this episode, Jerry Bradshaw discusses:
Drills to teach your dog to give up something to get something.
Utilizing multiple types of reinforcement to increase positive behaviors.
Adjusting e-collar settings to change the type of pressure on the dog.
Differences in different models of e-collars and how your dog may react to them.
Pre-empting the mistakes that you can.
Key Takeaways:
A lot of common outing mistakes have to do with e-collars and the misuse of certain functions for outing behaviors.
Consider going lower on stimulation and longer on the taps of the e-collar rather than a high stimulation with an extremely short duration. This will change the type of pressure on the dog.
Avoid habituating your dog to the higher levels of stimulation. These dogs are bred to fight through adversity, you don’t want to stress innoculate the dog to the e-collar pressure.
Try a few different types of e-collars on and see which one they respond better to based on their temperament and the sharpness or bluntness of the e-collar. Experiment and see what works best with the minimum force rule.
"Outs must be rewarded. No behavior will be maintained without some form of reinforcement." — Jerry Bradshaw
Get Jerry's book Controlled Aggression on Amazon.com
Contact Jerry:
Website: controlledaggressionpodcast.com
Email: [email protected]
Tarheel Canine Training: www.tarheelcanine.com
Youtube: tarheelcanine
Twitter: @tarheelcanine
Instagram: @tarheelk9
Facebook: TarheelCanineTraining
Protection Sports Website: psak9-as.org
Patreon: patreon.com/controlledaggression
Slideshare: Tarheel Canine
Calendly: https://calendly.com/tarheelcanine
Tarheel Canine Seminars: https://streetreadyk9.com/
Tarheel Canine Student Portal: https://tcstudentportal.com/
ALM K9 Equipment: almk9equipment.com
PSA & American Schutzhund: psak9-as.org
Tarheel Canine: tarheelcanine.com
Superior Canine Website: https://superiorcanine.ca/
Aaron’s Superior Canine Email: [email protected]
Superior Canine Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superiorcanineinc
Superior Canine Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/superiorcanineinc/
The Drive Company: https://thedriveco.com/
The Drive Company Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedrive.co
Find out more about Hold The Line Conference 2024 at https://htlk9.com/
Train Hard, train smart, be safe.
Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie
Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.