#7 Edo-era Japanese circular society with Azby Brown, author of "Just Enough"

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Apr 12 2022 45 mins   4

Azby Brown is originally from the US but has lived in Japan since 1985.  He is a leading authority on Japanese architecture, design, and environmentalism, and the author of several books amongst which Just Enough: Lessons in living green from traditional Japan which was published in 2010.

On top of that, since the Fukushima disaster, Azby has been lead researcher for Safecast, a highly successful global volunteer-based citizen-science organization devoted to developing new technology platforms for crowdsourced environmental monitoring.   We will talk about his story and how he got interested in the topic of circular society in Edo times. We will also discuss which learnings from that period we could reapply in our modern society.

Don't hesitate to check Azby's books.

You can find the summary of the discussion on Mottainai Transition website. Check out the Ekolokal website to find eco-friendly shops and restaurants near you.

Feel free to get in touch with us to share your thoughts: [email protected]

Music: Too Cool by Kevin MacLeod