Oct 30 2024 19 mins 6
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“When you look at innovation, what can you do to your daily tasks to automate them, simplify them, and make them labor-friendly and super easy? That’s where it’s at – your daily tasks.”
In this episode of Cow-Side Conversations, Josh Waddell of Apple Shamrock Farms LLC in Northwestern Pennsylvania talks about what innovation truly looks like – and how finding labor savings within daily tasks often gets forgotten on dairy farms. He shares some of the technology he utilizes on a daily basis and innovative decisions he has made to save on labor and drive efficiency. These include a three-cell lagoon system and sand lane system that helps reduce mechanization and labor costs by pumping manure versus hauling it. Josh also talks about the Afimilk cow monitoring system and feed tracking data he uses to make sure he’s milking the right cows, a coherent group calving system and bedded pack barn he built for springer cows, and the unique system he developed for group housed, free choice fed calves.