Mar 10 2024 9 mins 1
Episode-80 Until Next Time
Show Notes:
I’ve been podcasting for two and a half years now and I’m proud to have made it this far. I’m finally able to recognize that I need to take a break from making podcast content, at least for the time being. I’m sure I’ll pop back in with the occasional episode or folktale. Podcasting has always been a dream of mine, and not only did I get to do that, but I’m honored to have shared so many memories with you. I appreciate that you’ve been a Spooky Soul with me during those naptimes Babo took in the early days or while I was speculating on what creatures lurked in the trails by my home. Whether Kachoo was purring loudly into the mic or our chickens clucked in the background, you sat close and listened to me speak of old tales. I met so many incredible people who never made me feel weird for my interests and even shared their own uncanny experiences with me. Words cannot express my appreciation and sense of community I’ve felt with you and, I hope that you stay creepy and cozy…until next time.
Support the Show:
Creepycore and Folklore is a show about creatures, encounters, old tales, and myths. I want to join other spooky souls and hear about these unusual stories. If you're looking for more uncanny content, follow on Instagram and Tiktok @creepycoreandfolklore or Twitter @andfolklore
If you have your own tales to tell, you can email [email protected]
Frosty Forest by Shane Ivers
Through the Woods by Shane Ivers
Artwork: @lokdunk
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