Church Teaching on Cinema: Vatican II and Beyond

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Sep 08 2024 63 mins   13

Thomas Mirus and Nathan Douglas's mini-series on magisterial documents about cinema comes to a close with an episode covering the Vatican II era - specifically between 1963 and 1995, spanning the pontificates of Pope St. Paul VI and Pope St. John Paul II.

This was, frankly, an era of decline in terms of official Church engagement with cinema. Where previous pontificates had dealt with film as a unique artistic medium, Vatican II's decree Inter Mirifica set the template for lumping all modern mass media together under the label of "social communications" - discussing them as new technology and social phenomena rather than as individual arts.

That said, even if it leaves something to be desired artistically, boiling everything down to "communication" does result in some valuable insights. And every once in a while in this era, a pope would deliver a World Communications Day message specifically about cinema. Important themes in the documents from this time include:

-Artists should strive for the heights, not surrender to the commercial lowest common denominator

-Communication as self-gift

-Film as medium of cultural exchange

-JPII: “The mass media…always return to a particular concept of man; and it is precisely on the basis of the exactness and completeness of this concept that they will be judged.”

-The necessity to train children in media literacy so they can properly interpret, not be manipulated by, images and symbols

-The role of critics

Documents discussed in this episode:

Vatican II, Inter Mirifica (1963)

Address of Pope Paul VI to artists (closing address of Vatican II, 1965)

Pontifical Council for Social Communications, Communio et Progressio (1971)

Pontifical Council for Social Communications, Aetatis Novae (1992)

Pope Paul VI, First World Communications Day address (1967)

Pope John Paul II, 1984 World Communications Day address

Pope John Paul II, 1995 World Communications Day address on cinema

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Music is The Duskwhales, “Take It Back”, used with permission.