Jun 22 2024 61 mins 6
This special episode of the podcast steps away from the usual coverage of films with a Criterion connection to discuss The Game of Clones: Bruceploitation Collection Vol. 1, a recently released box set from Severin Films. The set includes the 2023 documentary Enter the Clones of Bruce, plus 12 (or 14) more martial arts films originally released between 1973-1985 that all feature one or more of the actors who were cast for both their fighting prowess and their physical resemblance to Bruce Lee, whose death in 1973 created a void that these movies sought to fill. This episode features a conversation between host David Blakeslee and Michael Worth, who is featured prominently throughout the box set as he gives brief video introductions to each film, provides several commentary tracks, and written essays in the lavishly illustrated booklet that includes dozens of archival posters from his personal collection. Michael’s decades-long enthusiasm for these films was a major factor in pulling this project together and its publication is nothing less than the realization of a dream. David also has an appearance in the set as he provided a commentary track for Cameroon Connection (1985) starring Bruce Le. Listen in as Michael and David fill you in on how this collection of rare and long-neglected films was assembled, Michael’s experiences as he tracked down film elements and creative contributors from all around the world, and how Enter the Clones of Bruce, the documentary he helped to produce, was received during its run through the festival circuit since it premiered in late 2023.
- Severin Films (official site, and only source for the full edition featuring an 8th bonus disc!)
- The Bruceploitation Blog
- The Bruceploitation Bible (Facebook page)
- The Clones Cast (hosted by Michael Worth and Matthew Whitaker)
- Blu-ray.com
- Dead Pit Radio (YouTube)
- The Fanatical Dragon (YouTube)
- Fu for Thought (YouTube)
- Martial Arts Theater (YouTube)
- Rock! Shock! Pop! Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
- Criterion Reflections blog (1922 – 1967)
- Criterion Reflections columns on CriterionCast (1968)
- The Eclipse Viewer
- A Journey Through the Eclipse Series
- David Blakeslee [ Website / TikTok / Facebook / Letterboxd / Instagram/ Twitter ]
- Michael Worth [ Twitter / Instagram / The Pearl River Collection / The Bruceploitation Blog ]