Dec 17 2024 43 mins 7
Songs from bands that released songs in MMXXIV Part 1.
Support these artists by buying their records, going to see them live & telling your friends about them.
Snarling Dogs - USA
Big Baby - Violence With You
Speed Plans - Shut Up
Body Farm - Sadistic Game
Yambag - No En In Sight
Gen Gap - Scumbag
Z-Pak - Whiplash
Vaxine - Psychotic Nightmares
Cosey Mueller - I am soft
Subdued - Nothing Good Survives
Ikhras - Tolerate Me
Shafrah - إعتكاف Itikaf
Haren - Terrorismo Paramilitar
Fuera de Sektor - Juegos Prohibidos
Snuki - Capital Vices
The Dark - Criminal
Buckaroo - By The Knife
Artificial Go - Pay Phone
Electrika - Invadidos
Potere Negativo - Fantasmi
Brigada Subterranea - Maldita Sea
Alambrada - Juventud
Why Bother? - Descension