Season 5: Episode 9 – Hear from Kate McLaren, General Manager - Customer Quality at Kia Motors UK , and Jo Causon, CEO of The Institute of Customer Service

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Nov 10 2022 39 mins   1

We welcome Kate McLaren, General Manager - Customer Quality at Kia Motors UK to our Customer Perspective podcast.  David Hart, Kia Customer Experience Manager, joined us back in Season 3, speaking about some of the drivers of Kia’s success, and we’re delighted to share the next episode of that story, and to provide a glimpse of what the future holds for Kia.  We welcome back Jo Causon, CEO of The Institute of Customer Service, another season 3 favourite, as well as regular guest and host, Ipsos’ very own Jamie Thorpe, Head of Experience Management.

The conversation between these three true CX experts is enlightening and wide-ranging, with topics including how Ipsos, The ICS and clients work together and the benefits that brings.  They discuss how, in these challenging times, Customer Experience has never been more important, along with the associated challenges, and what really makes a difference when driving those desired business outcomes.  They dive into trust, authenticity, empathy and the value and ways of creating emotional attachment with a brand. But, of course, it’s all about the impact, with ROCXI (Return on CX Investment), all important.  Jo points to data that shows how companies that succeed in achieving higher than average customer satisfaction results over a sustained period of 5-8 years, deliver 10% higher than average levels of EBITDA.  And as Jamie says, if you cannot tell that story for your own organisation, identifying that financial return on the back of improving employee engagement and the Customer Experience, then there’s work to be done!  Head to Money talks or budget walks | Ipsos, co-authored by Jamie, for some advice.

Check out our latest Ipsos CX and Channel Performance thinking.