Mar 06 2025 38 mins 1
The Midrash compares Haman’s plot against the Jews to a foolish bird attempting to drain the sea, beakful by beakful. At first glance, this fable highlights the impossibility of eradicating the Jewish people. But upon deeper examination, it reveals the secret of Jewish survival, the core reason for antisemitism, and the unbreakable bond between the Jewish soul and Torah. Haman’s mistake was in thinking that severing Jews from Torah would make them vulnerable to destruction—yet, as history has shown, even when Jews have drifted from their spiritual roots, their intrinsic connection to G-d and Torah remains. This class explores why the Jewish people have endured against all odds and what this means for our own Jewish identity today.
Key Takeaways:
- The Midrash’s Metaphor – Haman’s attempt to destroy the Jews was as foolish as a bird trying to empty an ocean. But why? This metaphor reveals deeper truths about Jewish resilience.
- The Secret of Antisemitism – Haman, like many persecutors throughout history, saw Jewish existence as a threat. Why have so many tyrants sought to destroy the Jewish people?
- The Relationship Between Jews and Torah – The Torah is to Jews what water is to fish. Even when Jews drift, they cannot fully detach from their Divine essence.
- G-d’s ‘Unsuccessful’ Plan – The Midrash states that even G-d could not destroy the Jewish people. What does this mean, and what does it teach us about the Jewish soul?
- Haman’s ‘Final Solution’ – His real plan wasn’t just genocide—it was to dry up the Jewish connection to Torah and assimilate them into Persian society. This strategy failed, just as all others have throughout history.
- The Eternal Bond – The Jews have outlived every empire that sought their destruction, proving that their essence is eternal.
- A Call to Jewish Unity – If a Jew was Jewish enough for Hitler to send to the gas chambers, he is Jewish enough for us to love and embrace. Jewish survival is not just a historical fact—it is a personal responsibility.
#Purim #Jewish #Antisemitism #Judaism #Faith #Rabbi #chabad #Jewishsurvival #Torah #BookofEsther #Megillah
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