Jan 02 2025 3 mins 2
An Excellent Opportunity to Attend our 4 Session Remote AS 9100 & ISO 9001 Training Program for aerospace, to include Internal Audit methodologies and best practice and the AS 91## family of support Standards, to include ISO 9001 of course. The course is also supported by a "free to download" Kindle or booklet to purchase as a point of reference guide. Go to Amazon and "search books" The Internal Quality Auditor - The Next Generation eBook
Listen to this podcast for all you need to know about attending this remote training program. We describe the 4 sessions, expertly designed as follows:
1. AS 9100 Awareness & Implementation
2. AS 9100 Technical Series & Areas Discussion
3. AS 9100 Internal Auditor Training
4. AS 9100 Case Studies & Workshops
Course History
Our “remote training” course – is all about AS 9100 and aerospace quality management "best practice" and "quality management" audit methodologies. Originally developed for our consultancy project clients, based on the need for practical understanding and not just talking about AS 9100 clause headings, but actual explanation about technical implementation in context with the organizational requirements.
The course is divided over 4 x sessions, throughout 1 x day.
Unlike many other AS 9100 training courses, our “remote training” course program is delivered by true practitioners with an unchallenged reputation of ensuring Certification success.
The course program provides a unique blend of practical implementation advice against those awkward clauses of the AS 9100 – providing proven examples when required.
We understand what the Certification Body requires from you to achieve AS 9100. Therefore, our primary focus is ensuring you successful development and implementation, through to compliance. We pride ourselves on delivering expertise for both improvement and technical compliance – we stand or fall by the quality of our AS 9100 training.
Course Objectives
Our “remote training” course program is dynamic and encourages complete delegate participation. All delegates are asked to provide us with a series of questions in advance of attending the course, relevant to specific needs to ensure we balance the course to the group – and answer your specific questions.
Our “remote training” is aimed at those already familiar with the requirements of "quality management systems". In addition, fir those seeking to have a better understanding of the aerospace and defence sector requirements - all your questions will be answered with a “no-nonsense” example to support compliance.
Course Tutor
With over 30 years of "quality management" and "conformity assessment" experience, within the private sector and government institutions. Successfully completed over 600 legal metrology, standards, testing and quality assurance projects within the UK and internationally. From AS 9100 and ISO 9001 to ISO 17025 and AQAP to CAA JAR 145, from engineering apprentice, compliance manager to senior civil servant... to include sector scheme development for trading standards... rest assured, our course tutor is a true practitioner that won't disappoint.
After listening to this podcast, contact and book your place. We can also deliver this training course program one-on-one remotely or at your organization if preferred.
Email: [email protected]