Jan 18 2024 42 mins 1
Ever wondered what it takes to make a brand like OLLY shine on Amazon and other marketplaces?
Buckle up because today we have the lady who makes the magic happen, the Amazon Manager at OLLY supplements, Summer Jubelirer.
From CommerceHub to Hydralyte, Summer's been a seasoned veteran in the eCommerce game long before joining OLLY. Now, she tackles the ever-evolving Amazon landscape with a smile and a strategy (and co-hosts a hilarious podcast called "Always Off Brand").
OLLY is one of the most successful and beautifully branded Amazon businesses globally, and Summer has played a role in this.
With a wealth of experience in the eCommerce realm, Summer takes us on a journey through her career and shares valuable insights into the challenges and surprises faced at OLLY, as well as predictions and thoughts regarding Amazon's push into Streaming TV in 2024, the Always of Brand podcast that Summer co-hosts as well as other marketplaces to pay attention to.
Summer provides a glimpse into where her team will be directing their attention, revealing potential marketplaces beyond Amazon that they are exploring and why these avenues are worth their consideration.
Key Takeaways
Intro (00:00)
Summer Jubelirer’s eCommerce career path and brand management (01:16)
Brand-agency relationships and effective communication (06:19)
Agency-brand communication and collaboration (09:47)
Amazon marketing strategies and tactics (14:20)
eCommerce attribution, fulfillment challenges, and inventory management (21:14)
Amazon vendor strategies and communication (28:09)
Amazon advertising and connected TV (35:56)
Additional Resources:
- Summer Jubelirer’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/summerjubelirer/
- Always Off Brand Podcast: https://alwaysoffbrand.libsyn.com/
- Schedule a FREE consultation with the Ave7 team
- Grab the FREE Amazon Seller Central Checklist
- Get the book “The Amazon Jungle” book by Jason Boyce
- Learn more about Avenue7Media
Day 2 Podcast has a goal of helping Amazon sellers learn how to launch, grow and protect their brand on the world's largest online marketplace (and beyond).
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