Something Else Than Saas

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Nov 11 2024 12 mins   1

In this episode, I reflect on my journey of building side projects primarily focused on SaaS (Software as a Service) and the exploration of alternatives such as desktop and mobile applications. As I walk along the beach, I discuss my experiences with technologies like PHP and Node.js and how advancements like React Native and Electron are opening new windows for app development. I share my thoughts on the challenges of video processing and storage in my current project, Dan Cuts, and my desire to shift towards building a local Electron app that minimizes reliance on subscription models. This also allows me to incorporate a different business model while keeping everything locally processed. Ultimately, I aim to break free from the SaaS box, explore other app development avenues, and improve my marketing strategy while growing my podcast subscriber base.

Stay connected! Follow me on X at @debuggingdan for the latest updates, and subscribe to my YouTube channel @debuggingdan for the podcast and other interesting videos!

My active side projects are:

  1. Enhance user engagement, satisfaction, and overall experience for your application by applying Gamification

  2. Build personal dashboards. Visualize and make your most important information available at a glance. Your dashboards will be accessible, privacy-first, non-technical and available on multiple devices.

  3. The hassle-free solution for seamless remote data storage for you or your application, making data management a breeze.

  4. supersave: Open Source: Bootstrap your project with a simple database abstraction and automatically generated REST API