Dec 19 2024 2 mins 3

Day 20: Christ, the Word of God’s Love
Neither have we any words to tell of God’s love for us, but God gave His Word, Christ is the Word, telling how God loves the word. Everything that Christ said and did and experienced on earth is the Word saying, “see how God loves you!”
Not content to be a human being, Christ wishes to be each human being, and is in fact born in the soul of every one who will receive Him; and in each one in whom He lives, whose life He lives, He is loved infinitely by the Father, loved as what He is, the only Son.
Commentary: Caryll Houselander expresses the profound mystery of God’s love made manifest in Christ, the Word. Everything Christ did, said, and endured on earth was a living proclamation of God’s love for humanity. This love is not distant or abstract; it is personal and intimate. Christ’s Incarnation reveals that He not only lived as one among us but desires to live within each of us. When we open our hearts to Him, Christ is born anew in our souls, and we are drawn into the infinite love between the Father and the Son. This insight highlights the Catholic understanding of union with Christ, particularly through the sacraments, where we receive Him and participate in this divine love.
Personal Reflection: Reflect on how Christ is born within you, calling you to live in a way that expresses God’s love. How might you embrace this intimate union with Him today, allowing His love to flow through you to others?
Caryll Houselander The Passion of the Infant Christ, Sheed & Ward, 1949,
For more reflections visit:
Caryll Houselander – Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts
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