Aug 24 2021 27 mins 1
How Can I Conquer My Critical Inner Voice? In order to take power over any destructive thought process, you must first become conscious of what your inner voice is telling you so you can stop it from running your life. Once you identify the thought process and pinpoint the negative actions it is advocating, you can take control over your inner voice by consciously deciding not to listen. Instead, you can do the actions that are in your best interest. Practice the Triple-A AAA - Awareness, Articulate, Assign First, become aware of the thoughts going on in your head, are they criticizing or coaching? Next ARticulate the Change you want to make Third, Assign a new thought that is more beneficial for the life you want to create. Join me to learn how to conquer the voices in your head so that you pay closer attention to the one helping you create peace, purpose, and power in your life. Want a little more help discovering your personal power and creating the life of your dreams? Join me on a 12-week adventure of self-discovery. You will increase your self-confidence, find peace in knowing who you are and exactly how you want to show up in the world, feel purpose as you create the life of your dreams, and embrace the power to share your light with the world. Join here Until we meet again, my friend Peggy