Feb 19 2025 68 mins 1
Jim Krueger isn't just the "Alex Ross writer." Sure, he's had spectacular collaborations with the painter, from the Earth X trilogy and Justice to Project Superpowers. But Jim's body of work spans far and wide, even beyond those epics. He's worked on many licensed properties, including Star Wars, Micronauts, The Matrix, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And of course there's some Batman issues and Capone vs. Dracula. Jim's also done his share of creator-owned work, including The Foot Soldiers, Alphabet Supes, The Clock Maker, The Runner, The High Cost of Happily Ever After and The Last Straw Man. Not bad for a guy who started as a marketing copywriter!
You can follow Jim on all the socials, including X and Instragram @imjimkrueger.
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